Sunday, March 21, 2004

Did Noah really build an ark?

Artist's impression of the arkBBC NEWS | UK | Magazine: "In the Bible, God tells Noah he has to build an ark and load a pair of every kind of animal before a great flood engulfs the world. It is widely regarded as a myth, but could it actually be true?

If the story is taken literally, it would have taken 35 years for Noah and his family to load two of every animal on earth. And a flood that engulfed the Earth would have left a signature for geologists - yet none has been found.

Instead of building an ark to survive a great flood, he is more likely to have built boats to trade goods like beer, grain and animals. One Babylonian text suggests the ark came to rest on what is now the island of Bahrain, providing a very different yet plausible end to the adventure. "

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