Saturday, March 13, 2004

To Russia With 2 Adolescents: Mission Possible

NY Times Essay: "The challenge was to take two adolescent boys who knew almost nothing about Russian history and culture and make our adventure a super-duper, meaningful experience. Or something like that.

While we were caught up in Dostoyevsky's geography, Suzanne and Guy were hanging out on Nevsky Prospekt, St. Petersburg's magnificently restored main street. They enjoyed the street performers, from break dancers who talked too much to cute little children in formal clothes doing ballroom dances.

ONE evening, Guy ate at Pizza Hut and then happily retired to his room to watch Russian music videos. Roy came with us to one of St. Petersburg's most luxurious restaurants, Dvoryanskoye Gnezdo, or Noble's Nest. He gasped at the precise choreography the waiters employed to raise the silver covers off our exotic meals. (First course: bear-meat dumplings.)"

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