Monday, November 06, 2006

Where the Boys Are, at Least for Now, the Girls Pounce

Where the Boys Are, at Least for Now, the Girls Pounce - New York Times By KATHERINE ZOEPF
Between Ramadan and Christmas, thousands of young men return to Lebanon from jobs abroad — and run smack into one of the world’s most aggressive cultures of female display.

By Gagan:

When people discuss nations or economics they often forget a crucial thing. Demography. Population size is not the only thing, the birth rate and death rate of infants as well as the longevity of adults are important. More than that the age structure is. Even more than that is how migration affects people and life along with who migrates. Without population ecology social discussion of resource allocation and justice and culture are meaningless. Here is an example of how Islam is powerless before species drive and why it is afraid of women. Early Islam was filled with war and too few men around. Draw your own conclusions about why Islam wants women covered up.

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