Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lok Paritran makes an impact

LEAD STORY: "The party which contested in seven constituencies managed to come a close third in Mylapore and Anna Nagar taking good share of votes. Santhanagopalan Vasudevan, Lok Paritran's Mylapore candidate , has secured the third place, even displacing the higher profile Chandralekha of the Janata Party.

Santhanagopalan managed to secure over 7,000 votes while the difference between the winner S Ve Shekher (AIADMK) and the runner-up Nepolean (DMK) was just over 2,000 votes.

Similarly, at Anna Nagar, Lok Paritran's Rajamany got a slice of the pie. In T Nagar too, the story was little different. In the remaining constituencies where they stood, Lok Paritran's candidates have put up a good show though they failed to bag the deposit.

Interestingly Lok Paritran has pushed back parties like BJP, DMDK behind at Mylapore."

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