Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why women don't relax

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Germaine Greer: Work and leisure: "Men fish, play golf, watch football, play computer games. Women shop. But don't confuse that with having fun, says Germaine Greer - men may spend their free time relaxing, but for women it's just another form of work "

· This article follows from Germaine Greer's speech at Permira Leisureland, a panel debate on the future of the leisure industry in the UK.


Priya said...

Womens mind work like math. Women in all areas are labelled that she can do this only and she need to check her body as she is the role model for the coming generations.Why a sleep cell phone ad seeks a sleek women??
They are targeted as a tool machine who cannot rest, as they are always compared in the society related to stars and popular females.
Even a normal women, in her subconscious mind will keep thinking am I ok??
When mind keep woking all day, where is the time to relax....

Boston Bala said...

Males like to spend time together by fishing, watching games in TV; not much of talking.

Females try to have an active conversation going on?

In my recent visit to India, my next seat passengers were cruise vactioners. The Guardian article is too 'femisitic' :-)

Priya said...

In India its pretty rare to see married women hanging with her best friends other than family.
It is also a myth that people believe work is divided as M/F can only do what they can.
Hmmm where are we today compared to 20s and 40s....

Unknown said...

Things are changing now. I am an oldie compared to you young generation. I just marvel the younger generation. Our girls want equality now. They want to be equal to men. a girl asked me the other day... if my boy friend can smoke why not me... I had to tell her, irrespective of the sex smoking is bad for health..a lady's body set up is definitely fragile than that of a man. I think no one can deny this...
Ladies always want to give a quality time to the family.. Share all the work with your partner.
Balancing the family and the career is a mammoth thing.

Unknown said...

women are very powerful. Most women spend their time in a very useful way. They don't grumble like men. They are home makers and also home lovers. I have heard many women say that they enjoy cooking and they get a lot of time to do what they like.. reading,knitting etc..