Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Bush and Kerry Side By Side

Bush and Kerry Side By Side: side-by-side display of the official blogs .. The Bush - Kerry joint campaign blog .. pointer

"Ok, this is a new project for me. I've been poking through Bush's and Kerry's websites, just to see what's up. They seem to really turn up the hate when addressing their core constituents -- the kind of people that would read a Bush or Kerry blog. I think it's important that all of the non-core constituents be exposed to the activites of both parties, so I'm trying to bring up a page that aggregates both blogs into one.

That way, us middle-of-the-roaders, who wouldn't read either blog, can read both blogs (or just the headlines) very quickly.

It's a work in progress. I just started it about an hour ago. So feedback is appreciated."

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