Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Allah leaves his autograph on tsunami waves

Translated by: Anna Ossipova - PRAVDA.Ru: "Muslims on the island of Sri-Lanka assume that the deadly tsunami has been inflicted upon them by Allah himself for people"' disobedience. They also provide satellite photos to backup the assumption, reports AFP.

One can clearly read the word "Allah" in Arabic language imprinted on the waves, stated head of Islamic center in Colombo Muhammad Faizin. 70% of the island are Buddhists, 15% of the population are Hindus; Muslims and Christians constitute the remaining 15 per cent. However, Faizin asserts that the areas populated with Muslims had been affected the most. Another Islamic leader Muhammad Fomei agrees with his colleague. According to the latter, the signing on the waves on the photos had immediately caught his attention. "Koran says that people can be punished by water or fire," says he. Muhammad Fomei also adds that "according to local legends, large parts of land of the island of Sri-Lanka had been flooded several times in the course of the past 2 000-3 000 years. "

1 comment:

good days said...

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