Thursday, January 20, 2005

Featured Book Reviews Of 2004

LokVani-LokVani: "
The geography of thought – Richard Nesbit Why do Western infants learn nouns more rapidly than verbs, when it is the other way around in East Asia...The Book deals with how Asian and Westerners Think Differently …and Why..

The Wedding – Imraan Coovadia A remarkable first novel by Boston based writer Imraan Coovadia, 'The Wedding' is an unusual love story that is witty, entertaining and a must read.

The death of Vishnu – Manil Suri This novel is an enjoyable read and an outstanding debut by Manil Suri, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Baltimore, Maryland.

The Conch Bearer – Chitra Divakaruni Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s latest novel for young adults, “The Conch Bearer,” once again demonstrates her story-telling prowess and versatility in writing.

Tales from India Epics – H.R. Chandrasekhar The author H.R. Chandrasekhar has rewritten some of these timeless classics in a clear, engaging and entertaining manner.

Prince of Ayodhya part 1 If this is the shape the Ramayana must assume to make it into the bookshelf of today’s teenager or into a Hollywood screenplay, so be it.

A breath of Fresh Air The novel starts, in a shroud of mystery, at an unforgettable time and place in history, Bhopal, 1984.

Choker bali – translation by Rabindranath Tagore Claimed as a masterpiece for its boldness of approach and thematic content, this fascinating novel written in 1903 by Rabindranath Tagore established the coming of the Modern Indian Novel.

The Miniaturist – by Kunal Basu An unusual and richly embellished novel, Kunal Basu writes the tale of an artist in Akbar's court with unexpected candor and meaningful insight.

Monsoon Summer – Mitali Perkins Mitali Perkins, in her latest novel Monsoon Summer, attempts to reach out to those in that inconvenient age that is known as adolescence, further complicated by their confusion in identities.

A Guide To Medicinal Plants Of Asian Origin And Culture By Usha R Palaniswamy Lokvani readers will remember the column 'Purslane' by Dr. Usha Palaniswamy about the culture, origin and usage of Asian Medicinal plants. A compendium of all these now comes in a book form.

Rising Elephant - By Ashutosh Sheshabalaya Elephantine Dreams: Ashutosh Sheshabalaya serves up a boatload of data to make the case for a resurgent India riding the outsourcing trend to global greatness."

1 comment:

jojo said...

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