Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Golden Globes Leave Oscar Race Fuzzy

ABC News: Golden Globes Leave Oscar Race Fuzzy: "This year, the Golden Globes have left the road to the Oscars a fuzzy one. Potential Oscar front-runners Hilary Swank of the boxing saga 'Million Dollar Baby' and Jamie Foxx of the Ray Charles film biography 'Ray' came away with lead-acting prizes at Sunday's Globes.

But the Globes were a split decision for perpetual Oscar also-ran Martin Scorsese, whose Howard Hughes epic 'The Aviator' won for best drama, yet missed out on the directing honor, which went to Clint Eastwood for 'Million Dollar Baby.'

Globe wins for underdogs Clive Owen and Natalie Portman, co-stars of the sex drama 'Closer,' leave the supporting-actor Oscar categories wide open. Morgan Freeman of 'Million Dollar Baby' and Cate Blanchett of 'The Aviator' had been viewed as more likely favorites.

Add in lead-acting Globes for two other Hollywood veterans, Leonardo DiCaprio as Hughes in 'The Aviator' and Annette Bening in the theater farce 'Being Julia,' and the Feb. 27 Oscars could be an anything-goes scenario across-the-board."

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