Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sania creates a flutter

The Hindu : Sport / Tennis: "For all the attention she received, Sania Mirza might have been excused if she felt a bit like a newly-crowned Grand Slam champion here on Monday. The teenager from Hyderabad turned out to be just the right sort of spicy story to kick-start a Grand Slam championship with.

A long jumper world ranked in the Top Ten, a world class shooter or two, world champion chess players, the odd badminton and tennis star who finds success on the big stage, hockey and cricket teams that can match the best in the business...Indian sportswomen have indeed come a long way. But, it appears that it is going to take more than all this to deconstruct colonial era myths.

Once in a long while, when a Nirupama or a Mirza crops up, politely answering questions with the coquettish smile in place, the outside world drifts back into some half-forgotten fantasy vis-a-vis the exotic Indian woman. Success at beauty pageants and sexist Indian TV commercials help keep the fantasy alive, fully clothed in Kancheepuram silk, if you please! "

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