Friday, January 14, 2005

Update Your Burned Feed Instantly

Burning Questions - The Official FeedBurner Weblog: Update Your Burned Feed Instantly: "One of the advantages of using FeedBurner to create a burned feed is that we handle dealing with the bandwidth. So even if you have thousands of readers looking at your feed, FeedBurner caches your burned feed and checks back to your site to see if it needs to be refreshed once every half-hour or so.

While this is great for managing your bandwidth, it's possible that your readers might not see the latest and greatest version of your feed -- it might be up to 29 minutes "stale". So how can we balance the bandwidth savings with a frequent enough updating period? You can "ping" feedburner whenever your site is updated using the XML-RPC Ping mechanism.

Here's how it works with Movable Type: go to the "Weblog Config" tab and select the "Preferences" link. Scroll down to the "Publicity" section and where it says "Notify the following sites when I update my blog:" put "" in the "Others:" textbox."

1 comment:

good days said...

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