Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush

OpinionJournal - Featured Article :: Crazy Mahmoud: Would you buy a "grand bargain" from this man?

• "September 11 was not a simple operation. Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services--or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess."

• "The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including . . . [the] transformation of an Embassy into a headquarters supporting the activities of those opposing the Islamic Republic. . . ." That's the U.S. Embassy he's referring to.

• "One of my students told me that during WW II . . . news about the war was quickly disseminated by the warring parties. . . . After the war, they claimed six million Jews had been killed. . . . [Let] us assume these events are true."

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