Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Maharashtra okays reservation in pvt institutions

Maharashtra okays reservation in pvt institutions - - News on Maharashtra okays reservation in pvt institutions: "The Maharashtra Cabinet has given the green signal to a proposal to reserve 50 per cent seats in all private educational institutions for SC, ST and OBC categories. However, the minority institutions are excluded from these educational institutions.

The state government will now present the proposal to Governor SM Krishna as an ordinance to make it a law. Till 2005, Maharashtra had 49 per cent reservation in only aided and government professional institutes. But in 2005, the Parliament brought about the 93rd Amendment Act.

This was clearly intended to bring all private institutions, whether aided or unaided, under the purview of the government's policies on reservation and fee structure."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

m s waldia Says:

May 15th, 2006 at 3:41 pm
What logic Mr. Arjun Singh would offer for continuing resrevation for SC/ST/OBC persons who have already received benefits of reservation policy? How this government or politicains will know when deprived people have become equal and efforts to uplift them succeded?

Why do GOI not declare that persons enjoying fruits of reservation and such persons who pay income tax would not be further given resrevation?

If this logic does not suit then people belonging to resreved quota should also be given 50% discount in all taxes because GOI’s uinform policy of taxation is aginst the basic spirit and logic behind reservation.

Will anybody file a PIL in Supreme court and ask 50% dicount in all taxes for reserved quota people?

Let us divide the country more on cast and religion so that every one can become more equal than other!

m s waldia Says:

May 15th, 2006 at 5:05 pm
It is time that we understood the real meaning of the issue.

Soon it will not be a case of mere discrimination against legitimate fundamental rights of so called upper cast citizens, but a case of PERSECUTION. Hitler had started the same way dividing German society and started a drift that changed the course of world history.

These politicians, particularly Congress had more than 50 years to implement a “gesture of good will policy on reservation” drafted after independence but instead of admitting their failure now,they are now trying to make non quota people to suffer more.

Every man lives one life and thus, no state has a right to take away right of equality and right to equal opportunity.

Does parliamentary democracy in India mean that bunch of politicians can kill the legitimate and fundamental rights of a certain section of society and start depriving them?

The constitution of India as it stands now, is crippled severely and it has lost the ability to protect rights of people who are being persecuted by the state on the basis of cast and religion -i.e. so called upper castes and Hindus!

Is it not the time for petitioning the issue in UNHRC? Is it also not a time to start applying to foreign consulates and demand political asylum on the ground of persecution by the state?

Beware world! If situation deteriorates in India by the action of screwed up Indian politicians then the whole world will suffer due to massive migration of people form India.