Friday, January 21, 2005

Govt bends it for Benny: Festival of blessings for organisers "The State Government seems to be bending over backwards to ensure that it?s smooth sailing for controversial pastor Benny Hinn?s ?Festival of Blessings? at Jakkur Airfield from Friday.

A fleet of BMTC buses have been hired by the organisers to ferry those wishing to attend the fest while the APMC Yard has been virtually converted into a temporary bus depot. Even traffic regulations across the city have been altered to ensure the smooth flow of vehicles to the festival -- all at the cost of other vehicles. The Bellary Road, which has been earmarked for the parking of VVIP vehicles, has become a restricted area, out of bounds to other commuters.

Even as other chief ministers are thinking of skipping the meet because of the mounting pressure from various quarters, it is learnt that Dharam Singh has blessed the ?Festival of Blessings?. The direction to ground the aircraft at the Jakkur airfield to facilitate the meet, came from no other place than the CMO.

Hinn seems poised to change history here, quite literally, thanks to the charitable steps taken by the External Affairs Ministry and the Home Department, who have cleared all hurdles for his visit by issuing him a special visa."

1 comment:

jojo said...

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