Friday, January 21, 2005

Sufi Music festival kicks off "In a befitting start to the International Sufi Music Festival, Jahan-e-Khusrau, Sufi music enthusiasts were treated to some great music by none other than Abida Parveen. She delivered the magic and passion of Sufi music at the Maurya Sheraton on Thursday night.

The annual feature, in its fifth edition, is looked forward to by music buffs. Delhi's music enthusiasts were present in full attendance for the Sufiana Qalam and some soul talk from Spiritual Guru Deepak Chopra, who discussed the relevance of Sufi music.

The announcement of the festival also coincided with the launch of filmmaker and fashion designer Muzaffer Ali's new organization, Rumi Foundation at the Sky Lounge."

1 comment:

jojo said...

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